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Innovation & Risk Related WEBINARS non-series

 Effective Methods to Develop Creative Approaches to Today's Challenges

Morning Session only: Creativity and Innovation, 4 audio segments about 30 minutes apiece, 2 hours total, plus related Powerpoints:
   a. Innovation and Creativity
   b. Well Formed Outcomes.
   c. Perceptual Positions
   d. Chunking, Brainstorming   

Afternoon Session, duplicated in existing On Demand WEBinars, each including flash movie of the presentation, plus multi-format audio files and PowerPoints:

   $19.95 each

   a. Scenario Thinking                                To order, click here.
   b. Breakthrough Conversations             To order, click here.
   c. How to Convince a Skeptic                 To order, click here.

Both Morning and Afternoon Sessions

Surviving with Scenario Planning 

A method for people who think in a straightforward, linear, reductionistic, and predictable manner to think backward from the future to the present. The process unearths pivotal assumptions and agendas that underlie project and business plans. It is these "hidden" assumptions and agendas that can sometimes cause surprises translating into delays and additional costs that are symptomatic of poor planning

Creativity and Innovation Tools

If continuous improvement is not enough, what now?

Tools are needed to implement ideas and concepts for creativity and innovation.

Today's development activities call for more creativity and innovation than ever before. Leading organizations are in a leading position because of their ability to creatively innovate. If you doubt this, notice how often the word "agile" appears in project management and testing methods.




Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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