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Adding Greater Value: Strategic PartneringPicture of partners.

This program includes:  

  • Defining an organizational support strategy for organizational partnership and strategic partnership. 
  • Bringing together senior professionals to explore how to concretely work with both successful and flawed business partnerships within the organization. 
  • Helping senior professionals target specific opportunities to bring innovation to the organization and to know when to walk away from these opportunities. 
  • Supporting the organization transformation efforts to move away from an internal customer service model to a strategy of working together with the business for the only real customer -- the person who buy products services from the organization.

This three day instructor-led intensive workshop on how organizational departments  can go beyond business partnership (a pre-condition) to strategic partnership.

Participants should already possess solid knowledge of business, technology and core interpersonal skills as well as have extensive experience providing consulting help for clients.

Program Description and Detail

Adding Greater Value: Strategic Partnering

Module 1: The Strategic Partnering Process
Module 2: Identifying Strategic Opportunities
Module 3: Generating Client Interest in strategic opportunities
Module 4: Gaining Agreement on Strategic opportunities
Module 5: Managing Strategic Partnerships

Why This Course

Participants will significantly improve their abilities in the following areas:

  • Explore strategic roles.
  • Define strategic partnering and skills sets needed.
  • Understand the difference between strategic partnering, business partnering and older customer service or customer satisfaction models.
  • Present a systematic process for identifying strategic opportunities.
  • Apply this process to current client relationships.
  • Continue developing core skills needed for strategic partnering.
  • Interesting the client in being strategic when there is a positive departmental/client relationship.
  • Interesting the client in being strategic when the client has a negative perception of your services.
  • Utilizing a process to improve negative client relationships.
  • Practice in process for improving partnerships to prepare for a strategic leap.
  • Presenting strategic opportunities to partners.
  • Developing responsibility for strategic opportunities.
  • Dealing with unique problems in the strategic partnership relationship.
  • Balancing strategic and "normal" business partnerships.

The Bottom Line

Like many organizations, companies today face a variety of challenges. To meet these challenges, significant changes are being implemented both at the corporate and company levels. These include re-engineering efforts, new product development, upgrading legacy systems, creating virtual work environments, quality initiatives and others. However, as enterprises re-engineer themselves for the new environment, a new technology paradigm is also emerging. Much of the work that occupied I/S even a few years ago has diminished or disappeared altogether. It has been replaced by new technology, spun off to clients or users, or superseded by new business needs. Leading IM "gurus" are already speaking of a second era of information management in which the business application of computers, the nature of the technology itself, and the way IM professionals function within their organizations will all profoundly change. They describe a new interdependent work environment where IM will have to rethink its missions and IM professionals will have to function as strategic partners with other internal and external groups.

Advanced Consulting

Strategic Partnering is a training program specifically designed to enhance your awareness of these new realities and address the challenge of working proactively as a strategic partner within your company.

Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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