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Critical Thinking

We see pretty much what we want to see, not always what is. If we see more that this, we see not so much the state of things we see, but that which our questioning exposes — and no more.

Our questions drive our situational awareness and an undisciplined mind is but a puppet to our needs that are most urgent and immediate. The mind is a limited processor which can only attend to a maximum of 7 plus or minus 2 factors at once.

Given the wicked (complex) problems of today, there is a need for an overt process of problem solving that is disciplined and systematic yet sufficiently thorough and quick. 

This course covers the following topics:

  • Clearly define the purpose, goal, and/or objective of your (others’) thinking. 
  • Raise vital questions and problems (formulating them clearly and precisely). 
  • Gather and assess relevant information. 
  • Come to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions (testing them against relevant criteria and standards). 
  • Recognize and assess, as need be, your own and others' assumptions.
  • Understand the implications and practical consequences of your (others) thinking, the implications and practical consequences). 

The Bottom Line

As a result of this course, you will have the opportunity to determine, in your own words, the elements and standards of critical thinking. You will have the occasion to carefully consider what traits effective critical thinkers exhibit. In addition, you will have the chance to assess areas for improvement in your own ability to think critically and create a plan and/or system to help others on your team improve their ability to think critically.

Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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